Cómo mejorar el sistema de pruebas de aplicaciones: optimización

Optimizing Your Application Testing System

When I managed software development, one of the most challenging areas was the system test region used for unit testing applications. In the midst of tight project deadlines, our focus was primarily on allocating resources for application QA testing and production. Unfortunately, we underestimated the importance of creating a system "sandbox" for developers to test their applications during the development process.

The consequence of this oversight was a significant waste of system resources. Developers often failed to deprovision these resources after completing their unit tests, resulting in inefficient utilization. Applications that took longer to pass QA testing and sometimes even failed in production were the unfortunate result of developers testing against outdated data.

To be fair, there were reasons for this approach. In the application development team's mindset, it was the responsibility of the quality assurance team to catch and report application errors. All developers needed to do was ensure their code compiled and the application ran. Additionally, the overloaded database and systems groups often deprioritized refreshing data for application sandboxes.

While this approach was common practice in many IT departments, it's no longer necessary with today's available resources.

Índice de Contenido
  1. How to Improve Your Application Testing System
    1. Use template system allocation scripts
    2. Automate resource allocation and deallocation
    3. Perform regular refreshes of test data

How to Improve Your Application Testing System

Here are three ways to enhance your unit test environments for new applications:

Puede la automatización de QA resolver todas las necesidades de QA

Use template system allocation scripts

Instead of creating individual scripts for provisioning different operating systems, developers should have access to standardized scripts that require minor adjustments. For instance, multiple vendors of Linux operating systems now offer auto-provisioning for unit testing applications. This eliminates the need for developers to hand-code their own scripts and minimizes the risk of human error.

Automate resource allocation and deallocation

An obstacle in application unit testing is the availability and allocation of databases and other system libraries required to create a suitable test environment. To address this, various vendors offer user-friendly interfaces that allow developers to select the necessary resources for their unit test environments. This self-configuration capability saves time and effort for both developers and the database/systems groups.

Furthermore, once an application is fully unit tested, it's unnecessary to maintain the system resources and storage reserved for the unit test. To avoid wasted resources, the database/systems group can set parameters for automatic deprovisioning of test regions, informing the developer in advance.

Perform regular refreshes of test data

Data refreshes are often neglected in application testing environments, leading to the usage of outdated data during testing and quality assurance checkouts. To prevent this, the database group should establish a regular schedule for refreshing test data. This not only saves time during testing but also reduces the risk of significant application errors occurring in production.

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